Learning of History to overcome nation’s problems

Bung Karno said, “Bangsa yang besar adalah bangsa yang menghargai jasa-jasa para pahlawannya” (the big nation is whose respect to their heroes). Principally, the nation will be the big nation caused of their heroes’ services, and it will grow up caused of their generation. What should we do to know the heroes? Of course it is through history. However, it is very tragic today; history according to the young generation is an uninteresting thing to be discussed. Whereas, one of the efforts in make the big nation is started from the history. Majapahit and Sriwijaya are the big kingdom who recognized internationally.  Sriwijaya called as maritime kingdom because the sea area was very large. In other hand, Majapahit together with Gadjah Mada able to unite the nation started from Sumatera until Papua which named Nusantara. We must proud when we see the victory periods of these kingdoms. Nevertheless, there
is no pride of our nation if we do not know of history yet.
There is an general statement which said that in fact the teacher of life is only the words without meaning (Kompas Jumat, 9th July 2010). History as one of subjects since elementary school until the high school can not give contribution in character building of the nation in accordance with the education vision that is educate the nation life and build character as “nations and character building”. The role of education, in this case is the history teacher is very affecting, when the teacher  is only storytelling  and tell stories it is not different with storyteller. Because of that, history becomes tedious subject which have no meaning. The teaching method is not interesting, then it is not strange if student always sleeping and boring. Indirectly, history tell to know it only, without understand. Actually, history is not only to tell but also to understand.
While, we know that national identity and the changing of future is in a history, which should be teach in well method and curriculum. The system of history education so far interpreted as knowledge transferring, history teaching tend to convey knowledge from teacher to student only, whilst the meaning which contain in each history events was lost. Because of that, we can conclude that quality of history education is very poor so that what we called national character do not know by student and they do not understand of fighting values, identity, social changing, and the wealth of nation.
History education should teach to the student in new method, and not only as product, it is tend to utilize history facts as the main material. Actually, it give to the student to explore the meaning of a particular events or historical figures. Through the values which contain inside can give discernment that build national character effectively. Moreover, Indonesia recognized as the wealth national in cultural and tradition which have many moral values that can increase national identity. Al qur’an was given the solution of this problem in surah Yusuf: 111 in order human learn  from history because it has the great function., “Sesungguhnya pada kisah-kisah mereka itu terdapat pengajaran bagi orang-orang yang mempunyai akal. Al Qur’an itu bukanlah cerita yang dibuat-buat, akan tetapi membenarkan (kitab-kitab) yang sebelumnya dan menjelaskan segala sesuatu, dan sebagai petunjuk dan rahmat bagi kaum yang beriman”.  two-thirds of  Al Qur’an content is story. Al Qur’an and hadits are the guidance for human life.  Thereby, it is important to us to study about history from both guidances.
The irony that we faced is people in industry and modern countries; they are interested toward the history.  Museum and other history places are full by visitors. Almost all of city have place such as these that become pride for them and forgather place of historian. About 1970, western country showed in many history films on television, such as Henry the Eight, Young Bless, Martin Luther, Holocoust. Even the history never come back but it experience is useful in facing the crisis now days because there is stiil exist the similarities. By the history perspective, crisis today can understood through comparison between crisis in the past and now days.
Whatever the problems of this country today, the main solution is study from the history.  Allah SWT was given special attention toward history in the Holly Qur’an, one of the prove verse is in surah Yusuf, and told about Roma History in surah Ruum.